Bamboo Products as a replacement for Plastic Products in our lives

We live in a world of plastic. Plastic is everywhere, from bottles and plastic bags strewn after use, to the omnipresent plastic cups and plastic straws we get against a soft drink or the quintessential tea. In fact, Plastic is so common in our life’s that we turn a blind eye to what it causes, Plastic Pollution.

Unless we want to deny or turn a blind eye, we all will agree that plastic products are harmful! Plastic products are harmful not just to us but to the environment and the flora and fauna inhabiting planet Earth.  Plastic products emit harmful toxins when burnt, and take a number of years for the breakdown in the landfills.  Rampant pollution caused by plastics can be seen everywhere, plastics are washing up on shores threatening the life below the ocean and seas.


The earth is gaining weight against the plastic dumped in the sea, on to the dumping grounds or thrown anywhere. Over the years, plastic usage has exponentially grown from its humble beginnings to a sight where plastic pollution is weighing the living being down with its own weight.

Reducing our plastic footprint or the use of plastics has become an urgent need of the hour. While the beginning can be challenging with a lot of “plastic free” adjustments, but the toil is worth the effort.

Plastic-free adjustment begins with finding a replacement of plastic products from our lives. Bamboo products are the best replacements for Plastic products. Bamboo is an eco-friendly alternative to many of the plastic products we use in our daily lives.

Why use Bamboo in place of plastic products?


Environmentally friendly

  • Bamboo releases 35% more oxygen into the atmosphere by absorbing carbon dioxide and deadly gasses.
  • Depending upon the species of the plant, Bamboo can be harvested in 3-5 years.  Bamboo grows a new shoot from the same root system, and thus saves time and efforts in replantation.
  • Bamboo is a naturally organic grass and does not require artificial inputs like pesticides, fertilizers or irrigation systems to enhance its growth.

Versatile & Durable

  • Bamboo is highly versatile and durable source of input to furniture’s, decorative items and articles of everyday importance
  • Bamboo is gaining popularity as an alternative to everyday plastic and packaging products.

The “Green Gold”

  • Bamboo is the future of flooring, roofing holds a great potential in the building industry
  • Bamboo is found in the health and beauty products too
  • Bamboo is a versatile replacement of unrecyclable products like toothbrushes tea/coffee mugs.

Humble beginnings bring bigger changes

As safe keepers of the planet earth, let’s all pledge to make a large impact on one person and one small change at a time, Humble beginnings bring Bigger changes.  Increasing the use of bamboo in our everyday lives making small changes will go a long way to secure and protect mother earth and its inhabitants from the deadly plastic pollution and all the other consequences which tag’s along.  Let’s all pledge to live a little better each day so that the future generations will see a much better and greener planet earth.